The holiness of Karol Wojtyła began with this little prayer book

It may explain why a great and close bond was formed between Karol Wojtyła and children, in any part of the world.  Yes, he was a paternal figure, also authoritative, but the little ones felt inside that they could treat him as one of them, as one from their homes.  They addressed him through “you” and peppered him with questions about even the most personal matters.  In Paris, they asked him how he prays and where he prays.  And, in Melbourne: “Do you like music? How about how the Germans and Russians invaded Poland?  When you are in Rome, don’t you get lost in all these Vatican rooms?  But, perhaps, the most curious were children from Roman parishes.  One day they asked him, “Are you happy that you are Pope?”  And, he said, “Of course. I don’t think you need a sad Pope!? The Pope should be joyful, pleased. Just see what I am doing.  If they chose me to be Pope, if Jesus chose me to be Peter’s successor, I am satisfied…”.

Let’s see.  In the end, they were the children who told about Karol Wojtyła.  They obliged him to open his heart and to know the secret of his deep faith, his life devoted to God’s complete contemplation, and commitment to man.  That is the secret of holiness.  And, at the same time, the image that was chosen to recognize this holiness is not the image of Karol Wojtyła astonished, surprised, intrigued by the questions of the children of one of the parishes?

Now, I hope that thanks to the testimonies of these children, a new generation (…) will learn more about Lolek.  Also, about this story, when – being about the same age as them – his dad handed him a small prayer book, recommending especially daily prayers to the Holy Spirit.  Lolek did it until the end of his life.  And, I found out that his holiness, the holiness of Karol Wojtyła, began with this little prayer book.

With the permission of Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz – “At the side of the Saint”

St. Stanislaw BM Publishing House, Krakow 2013