Speaking to pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the Angelus, Pope Francis recalled the day’s Gospel reading for the Sunday liturgy when someone asks Jesus if only a few people will be saved and He responds, “Strive to enter through the narrow door” (Lk 13:24). This image of a narrow door could scare us, implying that only a few elect or perfect can be saved, the Pope suggested; but, he said, Jesus confirms that people from everywhere will “recline at table in the kingdom of God,” thereby affirming that while the door is narrow, it is open to everyone.
Entering into God’s life
The Pope explained that in Jesus’ time, the image of the narrow door most likely referred to a reality to which His contemporaries could relate: At night, the gates of a city would be closed except for the smallest door, which was then the only way to enter and return home. Jesus in the Gospel says: “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved” (Jn 10:9). The Pope said in this way Jesus tells us that to “enter into God’s life, into salvation, we need to pass through Him, to welcome Him and His Word. ”
Living one’s life in love and service
Going through the narrow door means to belong to Christ and follow Him, the Pope explained, and to live one’s life in love, service, and giving oneself as Jesus did, who passed through the narrow door of the Cross. Entering into God’s way for our life calls on us to overcome selfishness, pride and arrogance, and laziness “in order to pass through the risk of love, which even involves the cross.”
Daily acts of love
The Pope offered a number of concrete examples of what passing through the narrow door implies, those concrete, daily acts of love people strive to offer: parents who dedicate themselves to their children, often at great sacrifice; those who serve the elderly, the poorest or most vulnerable; those who keep on working committedly despite the obstacles; those who suffer because of their faith but who continue to pray and love; those who respond to evil with good, finding the strength to forgive and the courage to begin again.
Which side are we on?
We should reflect on our own lives, the Pope suggested, and ask if we think only of ourselves and our own interests, or if we truly strive to enter the narrow door of the Gospel that makes us able to welcome the true life that comes from God. He prayed that Our Lady, who followed Jesus all the way to the Cross, may help us to measure our life with Him so as to enter into the fullness of eternal life.
Vatican News