Cum Maria contemplemur Christi vultum
With Mary let us contemplate the face of Christ:
in that Child, wrapped in swaddling cloths
and laid in the manger (cf. Lk 2:7),
it is God himself who comes to visit us,
to guide our feet in the way of peace (cf. Lk 1:79).
John Paul II, 25.11.2002
St John Paul II teaches us that for Christians, Christ Himself is Peace and from Him comes inner peace of a person and between people. It is a fullness of peace, rooted in reconciliation with God Himself. On the feast of the birth of the Prince of Peace, let us receive this gift, the gift of His peace, conscious that the world of itself cannot give such peace. With wishes of a Merry Christmas and an abundance of God’s grace in the New Year 2024.
Msgr. Dariusz Giers
Administrator of John Paul II Foundation