Juan Pablo Segundo, te quiere todo el mundo!

The destination of the first pilgrimage outside Italy of the newly elected Pope was Mexico. And, it was a good decision due to the wonderful reaction of Mexican Catholics, who have finally freed themselves from the long-term, painful feeling that they are a minority. Also, it was a good decision as John Paul II, getting to know Latin America closely, learned the “language” of liberation and discovered its true face. From this experience he got the “social” content of the pontificate.

It began with a great joy that erupted when he was landing in the capital, Mexico. Countless crowds have fallen onto the streets. Then, for the first time started a rhyme phrase, which will be famous all over the world: Juan Pablo Segundo, these quiere todze el mundo (“John Paul the Second, the entire world loves you”). Surprised and happy Karol Wojtyła got the enthusiasm of the people and started responding to the spontaneity of the faithful – he began improvising by speaking in a language in which he was not proficient.

At St. Michael’s College, a meeting was planned only with students of Catholic schools. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of young people arrived. Seeing such a crowd, the Holy Father looked at the text that was prepared earlier and stated that it was not adequate for such a large gathering. He did he have confidence in his Spanish, which he started to refresh just two months ago. So, he turned to Prelate Santos Abril of the Secretariat of State: “I will speak Italian and the priest will translate.” Then, seeing the enthusiastic youth, he began to speak Spanish himself. They remember this speech to this day.

With the permission of Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz – “Testimony”
TBA Publishing House, Warsaw 2007