On Saturday, December 17, 2022, at 10.00 a.m. at the John Paul II College at the Catholic University of Lublin, a conference entitled “John Paul II on just war” took place. It was organized by the John Paul II Foundation Warsaw Chapter and the John Paul II Institute of the Catholic University of Lublin.
The moderator of the meeting was Fr. Prof. Andrzej Derdziuk, OFM Cap from the Catholic University of Lublin. The introductory speech was given by the Metropolitan of Lublin and the Grand Chancellor of the Catholic University of Lublin, Archbishop Stanisław Budzik, referring to St. Augustine and his theology of peace. Then two lectures were presented. The first, concerning John Paul II and his view on the issue of just war, was presented by Prof. Sławomir Sowiński from the UKSW in Warsaw. The second, referring to the ongoing war in Ukraine, was presented by Rev. Prof. Marcin Składanowski from the Catholic University of Lublin.
The conference was attended by scholarship recipients of the John Paul II Foundation in Lublin, who shared their experiences of the ongoing war in Ukraine.
President Ewa Bednarkiewicz from the Warsaw Chapter summarized the conference, while Father Jan Strzałka, director of the JPII Foundation Home, thanked all participants of the conference.
Fr. Robert Ptak
Photo: V. Zdaievska