“You are logged into our University,
into the John Paul II Foundation Home, but most of all
– you are logged into the community of the Church”.
In these words, the Pro-Rector of KUL students, Fr. Prof. Andrzej Kiciński began the holy Mass at the John Paul II Foundation Home. The Mass which was well attended by numerous scholarship recipients was celebrated for the inauguration of the new academic year and it took place on Sunday, October 27, 2019. In his “homily about the calendar” Fr. Kiciński pointed out the similarities between the Foundation’s scholarship recipients and some of the scenes from the Gospel, which are portrayed on the walls of the academic Church, as well as in the new KUL’s promotional calendar.
As the first example, the priest recalled the parable of the vineyard, which is reflected on the calendar’s title page. “Some of you came to the foundation this year, some earlier, but no matter at what time the Lord God has placed you in the Foundation’s scholarship program, each of you were “paid well”. He gave you the opportunity to realize yourselves, your life vocation, and the option to receive a very good education. Do not look at others, those who have been before you or will come later after you. Remember that the Lord God gives you as much as you need today. “
The first month of the calendar, January, shows the figure of Judas. Here, the priest pointed out that the fact that destroys the moral order, the good atmosphere of the house, the happiness of the families is Satan, sin. In this context, he appealed to the pure conscience and faithfulness of the confession. Indispensable in this regard is our faithfulness to systematic prayers. The month of February presents the creation of the world. “As I look at your faces, I see the youth of the Church, I see the beauty of the Lord God who created you. You are created by the Creator and you shine His image and you must never forget this.”
After the holy Mass, there was a meeting in the auditorium, during which the scholarship recipients made wishes to Fr. Robert Ptak SCJ, thanking him for his daily service to the Foundation. After the wishes, all were invited for a snack that already became a good tradition of the Foundation’s Home.
Svitlana SlyvchenkoI