The conclusion that comes from this history is not only that this prayer works when we pray for priests, for missionaries, for someone else, that is, every intercessory prayer works. Another conclusion that comes from my captivity is that God has a mission for us. He has a task for us. Sometimes we do not understand His will, but He is with us in these difficult situations. He is always with us. I felt His presence. In the forest during the captivity I had an amazing peace of heart that I did not know before. I went to retreats; I went on walking pilgrimages from Tarnów to Jasna Góra nineteen times. I was in Medjugorje, I was in Lourdes, but nowhere did I have such peace of heart as in captivity. And, when I left, when I returned to Poland people I met told me that they had prayed for me. There were thousands, maybe even millions of people who prayed. We know that the fruit of prayer is peace, there is joy.
In 2015, I returned to the Central African Republic. Ex-prisoners were the first to come to meet me. They came separately, but each of them said at first: “Nzapa a yeke kota” that is – “God is great”, that we live, that we can meet. Later, the rebels also came, three rebels who had already laid down their arms. They were afraid to come because they didn’t know what my reaction would be. First, they sent messages. One of them told me: “I’m no longer a rebel, but I don’t have peace of heart. I killed people, I stole. I cannot find peace of heart. I replied: “I would confess you, but you are not a Catholic.” He belonged to a sect. I said: “Pray, and I will pray for you.” Later I met him in the cathedral. I was celebrating Sunday Mass. He was at that Mass. After it was over, he came and said he wanted the Bible, the Scriptures. I gave him the Scriptures. What happened to this young man afterwards…? He enrolled in catechesis in his parish. He went to an Italian missionary. He told him the story of his life. An Italian Carmelite prepared him for baptism for a year. On Christmas Day 2020, he was baptized. In 2021 he received Confirmation. Today, he is a committed Catholic. The modern Zacchaeus, once killed people, stole. Today, he has become a new man, he has changed his life. The encounter with the living God is constantly changing people. These miracles still happen. When we open ourselves to God’s forgiveness, to God’s mercy, God will guide us. Jesus showed us the way to the Father. We are going to the Father’s house. On Tuesday we will celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. The saints were also sinners. They were fighting their weakness and they opened themselves to God, they cooperated with God’s grace. God, like He came to Zacchaeus, wants to enter into our lives. He expects our consent, our invitation, our cooperation. Jesus, who showed us the way to the Father, does not leave us in these humanly difficult situations, perhaps even sometimes hopeless. He is with us! He walks with us. It is with Him that we want to go to the Father’s house to attain eternal reward.
My dear ones, thank you for praying for the missionaries, for being with us, priests. We need this prayer and I also thank you for your support. That’s what we can do on missions. We run schools, kindergartens, health centers. Many of the pastoral and social actions that we carry out are due to the fact that we have support from Christians from Europe, from Poland, from France. That is why today I say God pay for all goodness, for all prayers, for all kindness towards us missionary priests. May God bless you all. Amen.