Friends of the John Paul II Foundation, Washington DC Chapter

On November 19, 2022, the Friends of John Paul II chapter participated in a Religious Educator’s Conference held at the Sheraton Hotel in Reston, Virginia.  There were 350 attendees who teach religious education classes to over 16,000 students in the Arlington Diocese.

We exhibited at the Conference with a theme of “Keep Alive Your Heritage”.  The main focus of the display was to show the teachers that preserving one’s own heritage is the basis and the transfer of religion. John Paul II stressed that fact in all of his teachings.

A Christmas tree was decorated with all Polish Homemade ornaments.   Straw stars, straw sheep and balls made of straw were prominent.  The wycinaki balls were so colorful that they attracted attention to our booth.  Many educational pieces were presented to the teachers as how to uphold the Polish Christmas tradition of Wigilia.

Traditions, rituals, symbols of Christmas eve Vigil were captured in our display.  The ancient ritual united the past with the present… heaven and earth.  An empty place is at the table in memory of our ancestors, departed loved ones and for the unseated Guest, Jesus Christ.  There is a high hope that the unexpected Guest will come and bless the gathering.   A guest in the home is Christ in the home.  13 courses are served representing 12 apostles and the Lord. A small portion of food is set aside for the animals on the first Christmas when Christ was born, the animals were the only honored “eyewitnesses”. Our Christmas Oblation is for everyone.

The leaflets were filled with ideas as how to break the wafer call the Oplatek. Christmas carols booklets were passed out to educators in English and in Polish. Easter Traditions leaflets were distributed as well.

All bookmarks and lesson plans are found on the web site All these items can be reproduced, and credit is given to our chapter.

Our message is to keep your own heritage alive in your own family.

Cecilia Glembocki