John Paul II Vatican Foundation was established by the Decree of Pope John Paul from October 16, 1981 as a church organization, no profit that has the main goals to support and promote initiatives with educational, science, cultural, religious, and charity nature related to the pontificate of the Holy Father John Paul II. The main headquarter of the Foundation is located in Vatican.
The main goals of the Foundation include:
Preservation and development of the spiritual heritage of John Paul II and Christian culture;
Educational and scholarship assistance for young people from the former countries of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (not part of the European Union) who are studying at the Catholic University of Lublin and the John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow;
Documentation and study of the pontificate and promulgate of the John Paul II teachings;
Assistance provided to pilgrims visiting Rome.
Activities of the Foundation include, among others:
Scholarship program for young people from the former republics of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (not part of the European Union). The John Paul II Foundation through the scholarship program for students of the Catholic University of Lublin and the John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow participates in training of the future intellectual elites. In the year 2018, 166 students from 10 countries received scholarship awards. The John Paul II Foundation Home in Lublin where Scholarship awardees – students of Catolic University of Lublin have their residences. Up to this date, 900 scholarship awardees graduated and returned to work in their homelands.
Polish Home of John Paul II in Rome opens its doors to pilgrims from all over the world. The scientific gatherings, meetings devoted to the religious and cultural aspects of the pilgrimage to the Eternal City are held at the Home. The Home provides a place where guests experience at the same time the religious and cultural dimensions of their pilgrimage.
Museum located in the John Paul II Foundation Home includes gifts which pilgrims presented to John Paul II. Up to this date, approximately 10 thousand items were formally catalogued.
The Center for Documentation and Research of the Pontificate of John Paul II preserves documents related to the John Paul II pontificate and takes care of the dissemination of his spiritual heritage to future generations. Collected documentation provides a very rich support for scientific research resulting in various publications, symposia, exhibitions, and articles which are popularizing the thought and work of John Paul II. The Center’s library has approximately 30 thousand volumes which are available for research on the John Paul II teaching.
Academic scholarships for researchers who are visiting Rome to conduct study on the John Paul II teaching.
The John Paul II Foundation can carry out its goals and activities thanks to the continuous spiritual and financial help from the Foundation’s Friends and Chapters. The John Paul II Foundation is open to collaborate with organizations and institutions which are involved in promoting and advancing the teachings of John Paul II in unity with the Holy See.