Doctoral degrees at the Foundation

The crowning moment of the scholarship program carried by the John Paul II Foundation in Lublin and completing studies at the Catholic University of Lublin is the passing of exams, the defense of thesis and obtaining a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree.

We are very pleased and proud to announce that four stipend recipients of our Foundation defended their doctoral thesis at the end of September.  It should be mentioned that, due to the epidemic situation, the entire process was carried on-line.  Despite this extraordinary situation, our stipend recipients achieved their goals with distinction.  They expressed gratitude for the opportunity to study and participate in the formation program at the Foundation House in Lublin.

Here are our new doctors:

Ms. Orysya Uska (Ukraine), title of the work: “Apologetic dimension of Christian religious education in the face of contemporary cultural changes in Europe”, promoter: Fr. Dr. Pawel Mąkosa, Prof. KUL.

Mr. Andriy Yastremskyy (Ukraine), title of the work: “The high school youth attitude to marriage and family. Study of family ministry in the light of youth research in schools in Ukraine which have classes in Polish language”, promoter: Fr. Dr. Hab. Jacek Goleń, Prof. KUL.

Fr. Igor Drapak (Ukraine), title of the work: “The unique character of Christianity in the view of Pope John Paul II”, promoter: Fr. Dr. Hab. Ireneusz Ledwoń OFM, Prof. KUL.

Fr. Yury Drozd (Belarus), title of work: “Belarusian religious and national identity in the theological sense of Father Adam Stankiewicz (1891-1949)”, promoter: Prof. Dr. Piotr Kopiec.  Our congratulations and best wishes!

Fr. Robert Ptak

Graphics: F. Wielgut