fot. Grzegorz Gałązka

Opening of the St. John Paul II Days in Rome

The first edition of the St. John Paul II Days at the Pontifical Universities of Rome will take place from November 26-29, 2024. The event is inspired by the Days of John Paul II in Krakow, where scholarly conferences dedicated to the magisterium of Pope Wojtyła have been held annually for nearly two decades. In 2023, the John Paul II Vatican Foundation and the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow signed a letter of intent with the Church & Hospice of St. Stanislaus B&M in Rome – the initiator of the organization of a similar event in Rome. Organized jointly by these three institutions, under the patronage of the Dicastery for Culture and Education of the Holy See, the event includes a series of debates and lectures to be held at three Pontifical Universities in Rome: the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), the Pontifical Gregorian University, and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, as well as at the Church & Hospice of St. Stanislaus B&M in Rome.

— “We want to propose in Rome an initiative modeled on the successful experience that, for almost two decades, has been carried out in Krakow.” — explains Rev.  Paweł Ptasznik, president of the John Paul II Vatican Foundation. — “The goal is to involve Rome’s diverse international academic circles, which reflect the universality of the Church, by inspiring them for a few days with the distinctive features of the magisterium of St. John Paul II. In particular, we want these Days to involve young people: students, doctoral students, lay people, religious, priests, and consecrated, because (as the Pope said) young people are the hope and the future of the world.”

The initiative includes, among other things, a scientific lecture by Prof. Richard Swinburne (Oxford University), a panel with Prof. Hanna Suchocka and Rev. Federico Lombardi S.J., a Final Gala with an award ceremony for the student science competition, and a scientific lecture by Prof. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz (Winner of the Ratzinger Prize, 2021), as well as a Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican, at the Tomb of St. John Paul II in the Chapel of St. Sebastian, for speakers, students, and participants of the Days, presided over by H.E. Msgr. Paul Desmond Tighe, Secretary of the Dicastery for Culture and Education.

Faith and Reason in the Thought of John Paul II is the theme chosen for this first edition

— “The St. John Paul II Days at the Pontifical Universities of Rome are an invitation to draw creatively on the legacy of Pope Wojtyła’s pontificate. The theme, the encounter between faith and reason in the search for truth, is even more urgent today than it was a quarter of a century ago when the encyclical ‘Fides et ratio’ was published” — notes Rev. Prof. Dariusz Kowalczyk S.J. from the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Gregorian University. — “In times of post-truth and new neo-Marxist ideologies, we have to face the question of how to discover the truth in the dialogue between reason, faith, culture, and science. And Karol Wojtyła remains an inspiring and guiding person in this regard” — he added.

Building intergenerational dialogue is also an important part of the event

— “The initiative of the St. John Paul II Days at the Pontifical Universities of Rome is a unique opportunity to deepen the spiritual and intellectual legacy of Pope Wojtyła, a legacy that continues to inspire successive generations” — notes Rev. Tomasz Jarosz, administrator of the Church & Hospice of St. Stanislaus B&M. in Rome. — “The Days of St. John Paul II are a time for reflection and exchange of ideas, which are indispensable for our common future. For this reason, among the events to be held in Rome, we will meet on Nov. 27 at the St. Stanislaus B&M Church. Here, through an intergenerational dialogue, we will engage in a reflection on the path indicated to us by St. John Paul II, so that together we can build a civilization of love founded on the wings of reason and faith” — he adds.

International science competition as an initiative to encourage young people to develop the teachings of St. John Paul II

— “Today’s reality is uncertain; there are many narratives of danger, especially in the media. Both young and old feel it; both believers and non-believers. Addressing today’s dangers with the thought of John Paul II gives us a real opportunity to overcome them” — emphasizes Rev. Tomasz Podlewski, director of the Media and Events Office of the John Paul II Vatican Foundation. — “John Paul II’s thought has a strong theological foundation, but at the same time it goes beyond the boundaries of faith alone. It reaches to the sources of anthropology, ethics, and philosophy and is a true treasure trove of social teaching. Through initiatives like #GiornateGP2 and the scientific competition that is part of it, we want to discover more and more of this treasure” — he explains.

— “The legacy of St. John Paul II constantly resonates, even among lay people of different ages, both among those who knew that pontificate personally and among young people” — says Michał Kłosowski, who will moderate the intergenerational discussion at the Church & Hospice of St. Stanislaus B&M in Rome on Wednesday.

The cornerstone of this edition is the student competition, which attracted participants from all continents. The winning articles, selected by an academic committee composed of professors from the Roman Pontifical Universities, will be announced on Nov. 29, during the awards ceremony (Final Gala) at the Angelicum. The competition offers prizes: 2,000 euros for first place, 1,500 euros for second, and 1,000 euros for third, as well as publication of the winning articles in scientific journals and a trip to Poland in April 2025. The winners will also meet personally with Pope Francis during the General Audience.



  • November 26 – 2:30 PM – Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas

Conference (in English): Faith and Reason in light of the thought of John Paul I
Speakers: Prof. Richard Swinburne, Rev. Prof. Thomas Joseph White O.P., Rev. Rev. Cezary Binkiewicz O.P., PhD, Prof. Jacek Wojtysi

  • November 27 – 11:30 AM – Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

Conference (in Italian): John Paul II and Galileo: The Pontifical Commission for the Study of the Copernican Question and the Dialogue between Science and Faith
Speakers: Rev. Prof. Rafael A. Martínez, Rev. Melchor Sánchez de Toca Alamed

  • November 27 – 6:00 PM – Church & Hospice of St. Stanislaus B&M

Intergenerational discussion on the theme of faith and reason (in Italian): Culture as a Common Good of Every People, Expression of Dignity, Freedom, Creativity
Speakers: Prof. Hanna Suchocka, Rev. Federico Lombardi S.J., young academics from the Pontifical Universities of Rom

  • November 28 – 5:00 PM – Pontifical Gregorian University

 Conference (in Italian): Faith, Reason, Culture, Ideologies. A Quarter of a Century since the Encyclical “Fides et Ratio”
Speakers: Prof. Andrea Di Maio, Rev. Prof. Mariusz Kuciński, Rev. Christian Barone, Rev. Prof. Dariusz Kowalczyk S.J.

  • November 29 – 7:15 AM – St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Tomb of St. John Paul II in the Chapel of St. Sebastian

Holy Mass for the speakers, students, and participants of #GiornateGP2, presided over by H.E. Msgr. Paul Desmond Tighe, Secretary of the Dicastery for Culture and Educatio

  • November 29 – 6:00 PM – Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas

Final Gala and Award Ceremony with a lecture by Prof. Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz (Winner of the Ratzinger Prize, 2021

The St. John Paul II Days are an extraordinary event that promotes the Polish Pope’s intellectual legacy from a global and international perspective. Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in reflection on the role of faith and reason in shaping the contemporary world.

— “Through the Papal Days organized in Rome, we want, almost 20 years after his passing, to look again at his pontificate. To try to understand what, with the passing of the years, still remains significant and fundamental. And how we can use, in a world that has already changed in part, his sensitivity to what is really important” — says Rev. Cezary Binkiewicz O.P., PhD., director of the St. John Paul II Institute of Culture at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

On the occasion of the St. John Paul II Days at the Pontifical Universities of Rome, three moments dedicated to the press are planned:

  • 26 – 12:15 PMSala Stampa – briefing
  • 27 – 5:15 PM [45 minutes before evening panel] – Church & Hospice of St. Stanislaus B&M, Via delle Botteghe Oscure, 15 – time for media
  • 29 – 5:15 PM [45 minutes before final ceremony] – Angelicum – time for media

Lectures, lectures and debates with authoritative international experts will not only enrich the young participants, but also help strengthen the connection between thinkers and scholars who find inspiration in the thought of St. John Paul II.

— “The teaching of the Polish Pope deserves not only to be rediscovered, but also to be further developed in the contemporary world” — concludes Rev. Paweł Ptasznik.