URGENT: Polish Bishops’ Conference spokesperson deems as “grotesque” TASS news of Church in Poland “taking over” Archdiocese of Lviv

Spokesman for the Polish Bishops’ Conference Fr. Dr. Leszek Gęsiak called “grotesque” the information released by TASS, alleging that “the Church in Poland wants to take over the archdiocese of Lviv in Ukraine”. “Such media sensations of the Russian press agency should obviously be treated as part of the propaganda war, but they have nothing to do with reality and are textbook examples of fake news,” observed Fr. Gęsiak.

The spokesperson stressed that never, even behind the scenes of various bishops’ meetings, would anyone consider such a surreal idea. Fr. Gęsiak pointed out that “The Concordat is an international agreement signed between two states. There is certainly no need at this time to renegotiate this agreement.” The spokesman added that the Polish Bishops’ Conference is composed of bishops who provide their ministry in Poland. Therefore, there is no legitimate reason to include in this body an ordinary of a diocese outside Poland, even if he is a Pole.

Fr. Gesiak’s statement refers to the news of the Russian state news agency TASS, which reported on June 22 that “the Catholic Church in Poland wants to take over the Archdiocese of Lviv in Ukraine.”