Ash Wednesday with the rite of sprinkling heads with ashes began in the Catholic Church a 40-day period of Lent, which will last until the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, celebrated on Holy Thursday. Lent is intended to prepare the faithful for the profound experience of the greatest mystery of faith, namely the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord. This period places great emphasis on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. During this time, prayer takes various specific forms, such as the Stations of the Cross, Bitter Sorrows and Retreats. Fasting is intended to transfer the attention of man from material to spiritual matters. Almsgiving, on the other hand, reminds us of the need to care for another person and the need to share our possessions.
This year’s Lent, due to the ongoing coronavirus epidemic will be experienced in special conditions, just like a year ago. The faithful will not have such a wide opportunity to participate in the services of the Stations of the Cross or Bitter Sorrows. This will also apply to the Foundation’s stipend recipients, who were usually very willing to take part in these services in the chapel of our Home. However, these obstacles must not restrain anyone from their spiritual preparation for Easter. The Son of God, regardless of external circumstances, also this year realizes His Father’s will through the mystery of Death and Resurrection. It is up to ourselves whether and to what extent we will benefit from these saving mysteries of Jesus Christ.
We cordially; therefore, invite you to live the Lent period in individually and spiritually. We ask for intense prayers, an individual Stations of the Cross, the sacrament of penance and, if possible, participation in Sunday Masses and occasional services. Let there also be concrete sacrifices and alms giving, made out of love for the suffering Jesus and others.
Pope Francis’ message for this year’s Lent was presented at the Vatican. It is titled: “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem… (Mt 20:18)”. In it, the Holy Father invites us to renew our faith, to take the living water of hope, and to receive God’s love with an open heart.
“Dear Brothers and Sisters-writes the Pope – every moment of our lives is a time for believing, hoping and loving. The call to experience Lent as a journey of conversion, prayer and sharing of our goods, helps us – as communities and as individuals – to revive the faith that comes from the living Christ, the hope inspired by the breath of the Holy Spirit and the love flowing from the merciful heart of the Father.
May Mary, Mother of the Savior, ever faithful at the foot of the cross and in the heart of the Church, sustain us with her loving presence. May the blessing of the risen Lord accompany all of us on our journey towards the light of Easter.”
Fr. Jan Strzałka
Fr. Robert Ptak