Vatican Media

Pope at Angelus: Discover the presence of God in our lives

At his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis reminds us to have attentive eyes in order to see how God’s hidden presence is always there and at work in our lives and history.

Speaking to pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis reflected on the day’s Gospel: the two parables Jesus tells that open up an understanding of the mystery of God and how human events unfold. The parables show us that everyday life, which sometimes may seem monotonous or difficult, is always “inhabited by God’s hidden presence”, he noted, and it takes our attentive eyes to be able “to seek and find God in all things”.

God at work in our lives

Recalling how Jesus compares the Kingdom of God, His presence dwelling in the heart of all things, to the tiny mustard seed which becomes the tallest of trees, Pope Francis noted that is how God works in our lives and the world. The challenge is that our busy lives can sometimes prevent us from seeing this reality – but “God is at work, like a good little seed that silently and slowly germinates” to become “a lush tree, which gives life and rest to everyone”.  He went on to say that the seeds of our good works may seem small by comparison, “yet all that is good pertains to God”, and good “always grows in a humble, hidden, often invisible way”.

Discover God’s presence

This parable should give us confidence, the Pope said, despite the many times in life when we might be discouraged by thinking, mistakenly, that good is weak and evil is having the last word. At the same time, he said we should not be overcome with doubts either, even if we work hard and the desired results or changes never happen. The Gospel calls on us continually to look at ourselves and reality with eyes wide open that can see beyond appearances and “discover the presence of God who as humble love is always at work in the soil of our life and that of history”, the Pope observed, underscoring that with this confidence we have “the strength to go forward every day, patiently, sowing the good that will bear fruit”. This attitude and approach is what is needed to recover from the pandemic, he said, the confidence of “being in God’s hands” in order to rebuild, start again with “patience and perseverance”.

God’s action in our lives

The Pope also observed that we need to be aware even in the Church of the “weeds of doubt” seen with the crisis of faith and various projects or initiatives that do not seem to work out. The help here, he said, is to always remember that the results of sowing does not depend on us; rather, “they depend on the action of God” and it is our concern simply “to sow, with love, dedication, patience”. The force of the seed is divine, he noted, while the other parable in today’s Gospel explains how the farmer sows the seed and is amazed at how it “grows spontaneously, day and night, when he least expects it”, showing “there is always hope”, even in the most infertile soil.

In conclusion, the Pope prayed that Our Lady, the Lord’s humble handmaid, might “teach us to see the greatness of God who works in the little things”, to remain hopeful and trusting in Him every day.

Vatican News