Meeting in Rome of the John Paul II Vatican Foundation Administrative Board

On January 23-24, 2024, an annual meeting of the members of the JPII Foundation Vatican Administrative Board took place in Rome. It began with a Eucharistic celebration at the tomb of Saint John Paul II, presided by H.E. Marek Jędraszewski, Archbishop of Kraków.

During the first day of the meeting, there were reports and discussions about the various activities taking place across different institutions at the Foundation. The second day was dedicated to planning future activities and initiatives.

It was stressed that the main objective of the Foundation is the preservation of the heritage and passing on the legacy of St. John Paul II. It should not be a relic of the past but must inspire new generations of Christians, especially youth. Indeed, the Metropolitan of Krakow, presently head of the Foundation, stressed that its focus on youth:

We must reach them with a message of love, hope and freedom, in one word – with the Gospel. (…) John Paul II’s intention for the foundation bearing his name was to be actively involved in transmitting the faith and Christian culture, especially to the peoples and nations in the East.

This is precisely what we are doing through the scholarship program in Lublin (Poland).

It was reminded that April 27, 2024, marks the 10th anniversary of the canonization of St. John Paul II. In connection with this, a solemn Holy Mass will be celebrated in the Vatican Basilica at 5:00 PM. The Administrative Board encourages all Chapters and Societies of Friends of the Foundation to commemorate this significant anniversary.

Also, the John Paul II Award ceremony is scheduled for May. In November, the Pontifical Universities in Rome will celebrate the Days of John Paul II.

The Board also devoted much attention to the necessary renovation and modernization of the John Paul II Polish Home in Rome (Dom Polski Jana Pawła II). This building was originally handed over to John Paul II in 1981 after being purchased by the Polish diaspora from around the world. Since this time, no major renovations have ever taken place. The construction company contracted to oversee renovations presented the project to Board Members. Everyone agreed that work should commence immediately following necessary approvals by the Vatican and Italian authorities. This is a fundamental matter for improving the functioning of the facility and adapting it to the current requirements of Italian law. Let us not forget that the Home houses the archives of the historic pontificate of St. John Paul II.