John Paul II – birthday coin

 Every year the Vatican State beats commemorative coins related to various anniversaries from lives of Popes and Saints. This year the 100th anniversary of John Paul II’s birth will also be celebrated by the Numismatic Office with a new commemorative coin.

 Włodzimierz Rędzioch: To whom the Numismatic Office entrusted the preparation of the commemorative coin for 100th anniversary of John Paul II’s birth?

 Dr. Mauro Olivieri: The artistic design of the coin was entrusted to the sculptor, who has been working with our office for years – Gabriella Titotto.

 What did the artist present on the coin?

 First of all – there is the image of John Paul II, next to the façade of the church in Wadowice, where he was baptized. Then, an eight-pointed star representing the Mother of God; John Paul II, Pope Totus Tuus, entrusted his pontificate to Mary. However, the sculptor also found a different meaning of the star. According to Malachi’s prophecy, Pope John Paul II could be referred to as De labore Solis (Out of the hardship of the Sun). There are theories that a partial solar eclipse occurred on the day of Wojtyla’s birth and death, so he could be the “Pope of the solar eclipse”. Although Malachi prophecies are only medieval prophecies and cannot be regarded as a historical document, it must be admitted that the mottos concerning the various Popes are quite faithful to them.

 Under the image of the Polish Pope there are also bay leaves…

 The laurel twig symbolizes the glory of the Saints. In early Christian art, the laurel wreath was surrounded by the monogram of Christ, later remaining as a decorative element.

When the commemorative coin for the 100th anniversary of John Paul II’s birth will be available for purchase?

 At the beginning of May, just before the anniversary of the Pope’s birthday.

 Włodzimierz Rędzioch