In accordance to the statutes, the command over the John Paul II Foundation is in the hands of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Cracow
According to the statutory provisions, the supreme authority of the John Paul II Foundation is vested in the Archbishop of Krakow.
- actually at this time, Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski. Presiding over the Administrative Council is Rev. Msgr. Dr. Pawel Ptasznik.
The Administrative Center of the Foundation is the Secretariat, presided by Rev. Msgr. Dr. Dariusz Giers, the Administrator of the Foundation. The Secretariat is in charge of the finances of the Foundation, makes reports to the Economic Secretariat of the Vatican, stands by the activities of the Circles of Friends of the John Paul II Foundation, and brings to life its presence in many countries and societies of the world.
The Secretariat obtains and distributes the needed financial funds to secure the activities of the three principal institutions operating for the Foundation. They are:
- The Center for Documentation and Research of the Pontificate of John Paul II, presided by Father Dr. Andrzej Dobrzynski.
- The John Paul II Polish House in Rome, presided by Father Mateusz Wójcik
- The John Paul II House of the Foundation in Lublin (Poland), presided by Father Jan Strzalka SCJ
The functioning of the Foundation is possible ONLY thanks to the generosity of our benefactors from around the world. Most of them belong to the Circles of Friends of the Foundation—at the moment, we have 47 of them, in 18 countries, and on the 5 continents!