On this occasion, on October 16, 2022, Holy Masses were held at the Polish National Shrine on Kahlenberg in Vienna, Austria. At 10 a.m. with a special homily for children and at 11 and 12 p.m. for adults.
During Masses were quoted words from the Pope John Paul ll speech delivered on September 10, 1983 at the Schwechat airport in Vienna:
“My pastoral visit on the occasion of the Katholikentag should show particularly clearly how united I am with people of faith and prayer who, in today’s troubled world, want to live hope and give hope.
It is about Christian hope, which overcomes every human resignation and every situation without a way out; a hope that is born in the salvation of the human heart, in the Cross of Christ and has its unwavering attitude and inexhaustible sources. Austria, which as a state has committed itself to active neutrality, is not only a carrier of a great historical tradition but can also offer a lot today and in the future to Europe and the world!
I also entrust to Crucified Christ and to His Mother our memory of the historic victory of 1683, a victory that cannot remain merely a memory and at the same time must be far from triumphalism. Rather, may it be a task and a commitment for us to draw conclusions from history and to transform it in the spirit of our faith into full joy and hope for the common future of humanity!
After the Holy Masses, the faithful were blessed with the relic of St. John Paul ll. October 17, 2022 Agata Wisniowska, Vienna