“I encourage you to use the media to share quotes from Cardinal Wyszynski and Mother Czacka, your thoughts about them, and different initiatives. Everyone can join the action by posting entries, short videos, and photos on social media. And to link all these contents, we are giving the hashtag #Beatyfikacja,” said Michalina Jankowska, the director of the Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Institute.
On June 5th, there are 100 days left until the beatification of Polish Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and Mother Rosa Czacka, which is scheduled for September 12th. The preparations for the celebrations of this event are underway and are supported by various initiatives.
Michalina Jankowska lists examples of activities commemorating the Primate:
“The Primate’s School Association has organized a contest on the ABC of the Social Crusade of Love. Other schools undertook similar activities. At the Primate’s Institute, we conducted a curatorial contest for elementary school children. In May, the foundation ‘Time is Love’ prepared readings dedicated to the Primate, which were presented, among others places, in churches. There is a website prymaswyszynski.pl – created by the curia in Warsaw – that was set up over a year ago. On our website wyszynskiprymas.pl, we have developed a photo gallery, sound files with the Primate’s voice, a database presenting his teaching, and testimonies of people who met the Primate or are his living legacy. There is also a pastoral ministry, Family of Families, which operates throughout Warsaw. On the 28th of every month, a Mass is celebrated at St. John’s Cathedral in Warsaw, with a lecture. Each month a different topic from the Primate’s teaching is presented. The weekly Gości Niedzielny has published articles written by Ewa Czaczkowska. It is also worth mentioning a board game about Primate developed by Mr. and Mrs. Kreczek and Piotr Kordyasz’s book Stefek. Of course, these are only examples,” noted Michalina Jankowska.
The director of the Primate’s Institute mentioned that the Institute receives many messages from parishes that are searching for traces of the Primate’s presence in their churches. They ask about recordings and sermons which, if they exist, are made available to them.
The Polish Community Information Portal PolskiFR.fr, the initiator of the project #Beatyfikacji, has joined the preparations for the beatification ceremony. During the next 100 days, a variety of materials will be published on the portal and the social media. The initiative gives the authors great freedom in preparing their content: it can be a commentary on some fragment of the Primate’s teaching and Mother Czacka’s message, your memories related to the future Blesseds, an encouragement to read a book or watch a film about the Primate and Mother, etc.